
Showing posts from December, 2014

Home Stretch

     First and foremost, Merry Christmas!! Ive been out of touch this last month or so since doing Thanksgiving here in Zambia then heading home to celebrate and early Christmas stateside. Here are a few pictures to give a quick overview of how we throw down PC Zam style: The infamous pig Manly men (and Katie) We slow cooked him overnight, in a covered pit, and this was the result.  80 lbs of shredded juicy pork, potatoes, garlic, and butter. They are so proud!  Others choose to spend their Thanksgiving in more relaxing ways   The Northern Provence Crew - Theres no pro like NoPro The spread.  More food than Id care to admit Obviously we had a dessert table.  Christmas morning banana grams Cooking up lasagna  The fruit of our labors Merry Christmas! :)       Ive only been back in country for a week, but things have been rough.  I was already kinda feeling worn, unmotivated, and exhausted with a lot of my time and work